I had a nice email this morning from Maurice Scheetz. He wrote;"Greetings Sandy Sandy, I am trying to return to the earlier joy of the "Artist Way" and perspective - to re-establish and re-order the "artist studio" that used to give me so much comfort. A birder/ walker/ friend that I met on wooded trail and I - have just begun to meet at my place - my excuse to re-new my art - to draw and paint together. So I found a copy of your Sensational Sketches in Six Simple Steps in a notebook of mine and that led me back to your web site and thus to this note. On our next meet-up, we plan to use this demo of yours as a jumping off point. Please subscribe me to more!"
Today's photo is of two of the senior students from my studio drawing classes that I did in Florida the week before last. We all did the Hummingbird Demo that Maurice is referring to. (And, I have been informed that the course was a huge hit with all the students.) :-D
You can print out your own copy of my step-by-step demo here. Only 5 weeks until Drawing Everyday starts up again folks!