It was a really good summer for me. This daily discipline adds direction, training and self control to my life. This regimen would not have been possible for six summers now, without this blog. Believe it or not, I even had a blast this summer sketching things besides hummers! The season started off with how to draw a horse. Sandwiched in the middle there were more hummingbirds, cats, elephants, deer, twisters, flowers, Jon Gnagy, UWO people and landscapes. And of course it just had to end with more and more hummingbirds! Along the way, various drills, drawing aids and exercises were explored. Two minute gestures, blind contour drawing, rule of thirds, values and multiple techniques were covered. There is a wealth of information here and on my various other sites for those who are eager to learn. My hope is that people will make good use of it. I'm not selling anything here or making money on this blog in any way. It has been a project of love and growth and of sharing. Thanks to all who read this and follow along, especially the participants and those who sent work in to share. Your comments and insights on my humble offerings are always most appreciated!
Wishing You Abundance Always,
Sandy Sandy Spiritartist
"Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study. Be a student so long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life." ~ Henry L. Doherty