Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Hungry Hummingbirds

Ever since the storm cleared, we've had hoards of hummers here. We put all the shepherd's hooks and hanging flowers back up this morning.

Lots of males have showed up here the last couple of days. I believe some of them are travelers because we weren't seeing that many males here the past week or so before.

They sure have caused a commotion here and a there's a down right, non-stop feeding frenzy going on outside my window right now as I write this.


  1. I figure our hummers are migrating down your way as we don't have the normals around anymore. Some days there are several and other days only a few. Mainly females at this point and juveniles; as it seems the older males have pretty much moved on. This is the time of year I dread knowing it won't be long before we won't see any for months. :-( I'll miss them for sure.

    I can't even imagine how they handled the hurricane winds or where they held up till safe to travel on.

  2. Hey Susan - I believe I am North of you. Since yours are moving on earlier, maybe it has something to do with latitude as well. I am glad we still have hoards here - just can't get enough of those hummer birds!

  3. For some reason I thought you were south of me. Have no clue I can't get enough of them either. Maybe be an incentive for me to sketch and paint them through the winter. That way I can keep them around all year long :-)


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