The 2012 Cranberry Festival Booklet Cover
and three inside pages are done!! YAY!!!
I decided to stay with the flat tire painting this year,
but finished the other one with the couple too.
(That'll be backup for next year.)
Here's a sneak peek . . .
Each year I add something fun to the book.
Designing a crossword puzzle was a new one for me!
Do you ever get started on something and have second
thoughts, wondering where you get these bright ideas?
It was a little scary at first. I never do crosswords myself.
Keeping it simple, the challenge was met
and it actually ended up being fun!
This new JD image is now available here on iStock.
Got any Jersey Devil stories?
I'd love to come up with a special theme for next year!
It'll be the 30th Annual festival.
(Please Send me your ideas.)
Here's my new ad for this year's book, using
one of my best selling images on iStockphoto.
What do you think?
It just seemed natural to share these pages here.
Most of these were posted this summer as drawings.
Sometimes it's nice to see how images evolve
and a variety of ways they might be used.
X ♥ O
As always, your comments are most appreciated!
P.S. Be sure to go to my other blog and see how
I sweetened the pot of the Fall Giveway!
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