Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Jersey Devil and the Flat Tire

Another summer of SketchingEveryday has come to an end.
It went by so fast! Posting every few days made it a lot easier.
I may keep posting here from time to time throughout the year.
In the meantime, you may want to follow my main blog here.

I just announced my first Fall Giveaway yesterday!
Be sure to check it out and add your comment to enter.

Ending the 2012 Summer Sketching Series,
here's another idea I had featuring the Jersey Devil
for the Cranberry Festival booklet cover.
Do you think it's spooky enough?

There's another Jersey Devil painting on the boards too!
Stay tuned, because I may need your input
to help me decide which one to use.

I hope you enjoyed this year's offerings.
I am grateful for your comments and friendship!

"Delicious autumn! 
My very soul is wedded to it,
and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth
seeking the successive autumns."  ~ George Eliot

Wishing You Abundance Always, 


  1. I loved this one. I've been on that road. Although I have never seen him, I think about the Devil when I am all alone on those deep in the Pines roads. I think that painting will ring a bell with all us Pineys. LOL Bobbie

  2. Thanks for adding your 2 cents here, Bobbie. Glad you like this one. I appreciate your input and I know you would tell me if you didn't like it too! You are a true friend. :-D

  3. Love the color choice you used with this one!!! I've been away the last two days...........I have a lot of catching up to do.


Post a comment. (No annoying word verification needed!) I really appreciate hearing your thoughts. If you ask a question, look for an answer from me in the same thread where you published your comment. THANKS!