Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Mother Of All Learning

“Repetition is the mother of all learning.”

Think back to when you learned to ride a bike, drive a car, operate a computer or play a new sport. First you needed to learn new skills and then you needed to coordinate your mind and body to put those essential actions into practice. This was achieved through repetition. Only through repeated practice of the same set of actions, was your proficiency gained. So it is with art skills as well. The proof is in the results

7-19-20 • 5 x 7" Watercolor on Yupo •

7-20-20 • 5 x 7" Watercolor on Yupo •

  7-21-20 • 5 x 7" Watercolor on Yupo •

7-22-20 • 5 x 7" Alcohol Ink on Yupo •

7-23-20 • 5 x 7" Watercolor on Black Cotton Rag •

7-24-20 • 5 x 7" Watercolor on Cotton Rag •

7-25-20 • 5 x 7" Watercolor on Cotton Rag •

7-26-20 • 5 x 7" Watercolor on Cotton Rag •

7-27-20 • 5 x 7" Watercolor on Cotton Rag •

7-28, 29, 30-20 • 7x 11" Watercolor on Cotton Rag •

7-31-20 • 5 x 7" Watercolor on Cotton Rag •

"The essential ingredients for creativity remain exactly the same for everybody: courage, enchantment, permission, persistence, trust - and those elements are universally accessible. Which does not mean that creative living is always easy; it merely means that creative living is always possible."
~ Elizabeth Gilbert

"I am not a teacher, but an awakener."
~ Robert Frost

Learn • Love • Create

Experience the FUN of the
Principles • Techniques • Spirit


Thanks to everyone who is already joining us on this creative journey!

Happy Creating and Thanks for Your Friendship!

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