This weekend I trimmed the bottom blooms off of our Butterfly Bushes. This will help prevent the resident cats from harming my hummingbirds. Sometimes the birds can be quite oblivious to danger as they furiously dart in and out of the maze of fragrant branches. Here's a bunch that I drew today. The drawing got a little out of control on the page. Next time I'll try to remember to start out smaller and leave more white space around what I'm depicting. I'll admit, sketching everyday is sometimes hard to fit in and occasionally it feels like a chore. Once I get on with it however, I am glad I did. The discipline teaches me so much.
"It is essential... that discipline should not be practiced like a rule imposed on oneself from the outside, but that it becomes an expression of one's own will; that it is felt as pleasant, and that one slowly accustoms oneself to a kind of behavior which one would eventually miss, if one stopped practicing it." ~ Erich Fromm
I just love your honesty, straight talk and sharing disposition. You also have a philosophy of life that I enjoy hearing about. Sandy, your comments are meaningful and I enjoy getting your emails. ~ Ellen