I got this wonderful challenge drawing in with a nice note from Judy Scott last night. "Attached is my sketch of the Raven. It scanned a little more colorful than it actually is sketched. I am enjoying your weekly challenges, I have not posted some of my attempts because I tend to forget KISS. I know I am about to overwork the sketch but there I go with one more brush stroke! Thanks again for all the wonderful sharing you do. Your websites and blogs are such a wealth of knowledge that I refer to all the time." ~ Judy Scott
Thanks Judy for your much appreciated words of encouragement and your beautifully creative rendition!
Raven has long been associated with magic and ancestor spirits. On my trip out to Colorado this month, crows and ravens seemed to follow me everywhere. According to indigenous traditions, all species of crow, including raven, help us to realign our consciousness so we may better connect to the Great Mystery. I have tried to portray this aspect in today's drawing.
Check out my sister's great photos of our trip to CO here.
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