Monday, June 10, 2019

Drawing The State Birds

"Do not fail, as you go on, to draw something every day,
for no matter how little it is, it will be well worth while, 
and it will do you a world of good."
~ Cennino Cennini

I don't have a lot of time for sketching right now, but I wanted to keep up with my summer sketching series, even if it is only for a few minutes each day, because I know that even a small amount of time has a lot of great benefits. So I decided to start a project of sketching the state birds.  Who knows where it will lead .... I'm really enjoying it and I can already see my drawings are going faster and getting easier.

I went to Wikipedia and got all the information I need to get started. The photos are all free to use, so there is no issue with drawing from them. I thought some of you might like to join me on this project! I am posting the photos here, but you can see them larger by going to this link:



Here are the photos and my sketches from them over the past few days.
Won't somebody join me? 
10-15 min. pencil sketches
Happy Creating My Friends!

X ♥  O

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