Sunday, June 30, 2019

One Month Of Sketching Everyday!

"Get on a daily routine... Working is a process not a product.
Success comes from the word, succeed: Latin: 'to under go.'
You must keep moving."
~ Nicoletta Baumeiste 

6-27-19 • Watercolor and Ink sketch from photo

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." ~ Aristotle

6-28-19 • Watercolor and Ink sketch from photo

 "The more you draw and paint the more fluent you are with your pen and brush."
~ Igor Babailo

6-29-19 • Watercolor and Ink sketch from photo

 "Make today your day to start that uncomfortable new habit." ~ Jack Canfield

6-30-19 • Watercolor and Ink sketch from life

 "Out of routine comes inspiration." ~ Mark Kostabi

Stay Inspired and Happy Creating My Friends!

X ♥  O

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