I was happy to get this sketch and a nice email in my inbox this morning from friend and Cedar Run employee, Judy Scott. She writes; "I took up your challenge. Because I have access to Squam I combined two pictures. This is a sketch of Squam and a fledgling Barred Owl. In 2007 Squam was a foster parent to a young Barred Owl that came into the refuge. Although Squam is a male, he was a great surrogate, teaching the young one to eat and fly. Eventually the fledgling was released back into the wild. Thanks for all your support of Cedar Run."
Wow, Thank you Judy for the lovely sketch and a little backgound on Squamie! I hope your effort will inspire others!
Today I added the second step of my 6 Step System to yesterday's sketch. My motto is KISS - Keep it sensationally Simple!!

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