‘Creative activity could be described as a
type of learning process where teacher and pupil
are located in the same individual.’
~ Arthur Koestler
This shows you how I set up my little model for this sketching Session.
Some Tips on Drawing two minute gestures from life.
- • When drawing small objects, it helps to get the item closer to eye level, so I set them up on a box or a large coffee can.
- • It also helps to isolate the subject with a solid colored background.
- • Closing one eye often helps if you are having difficulty.
- • When drawing, try to keep your body and head in the same position or your view will change.
- Prop your drawing pad up at an angle. Use a Beanie Baby, or something similar.
- • Squint to see large shapes as you start to draw quickly.
- • Hold your pencil **In position One like a wand (**Like you were conducting an orchestra) It's the complete opposite position from **position Two - the position we use to write our name.
- Block in large shapes. Use the side of the pencil. Look at negative space. Make comparisons.
- Then, if you still have time, turn the pencil to *position Two and add a few details.
Follow the link in yesterday's blog post for how to go about doing these quick gestures. http://www.sketchingeveryday.com/…/in-starting-gate-and-the… You can also use my photos as reference to try the objects I drew from. All I ask is that you use the hashtag #DrawingEveryday and/ or a link back to this post or share directly from our facebook group.
This technique only requires limited supplies. I'm sure you can find ones in your arsenal to use. You can use my list as a guide though. http://www.sandysandyfineart.com/watercolor-supplies.html Please post any drawings you want here. I will post a weekly challenge when I get more organized. In the meantime, I'd like people to practice drawing from life, because drawing from life uses different "muscles" than drawing from a photo does. The brain processes 3D objects differently than when viewing flat, 2D reference. We'll also be drawing from photos, but I think there are some real benefits to to start off with drawing from life.
Happy Creating My Friends!
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